
The community challenge aimed to bring awareness of the Token2049 conferences through the gamification process.

The Token2049 team decided to try some new methods in bringing awareness to the brand and we were prompted to conduct a gamification activity as part of an advertising campaign for conferences.

During the community mission, players had to search for Token2049 banners all over Decentraland, and publish a photo of the ads on their Twitter feed. Also, this mission helped new users learn how ads work in the web3 space.

As a result, hundreds of people took part in such a "game" and looked for banners all over Decentraland. Also, dozens of people signed up for the conference and newsletter from Token2049.

This is the perfect example of how gamification activities can help new users get to know your project right away through the interactive experience.  Moreover, the gamification process can be facilitated by setting specific goals - for example, participants can register to your NFT mint or event.

The gamification activity was blended with the advertising campaign of the events. The two conferences with dozens of crypto experts, entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors and developers aimed to attract even more people from the web3 space through ad campaigns.